Kaylin Van Waus
Avian Biologist
Behaviour, Conservation, Population Dynamics, Project Management, Monitoring
Regional Focus
Oahu, Hawai'i
Years Active
3-5 years
Species Focus
Sea ducks and allies (Anatidae), Frigatebirds (Fregatidae), Gulls and Terns (Laridae), Tropicbirds (Phaethontidae), Petrels and Shearwaters (Procellariidae), Gannets and Boobies (Sulidae), Storm-Petrels (Hydrobatidae & Oceanitidae)
Tell us about your work with seabirds.
I currently work on a military base in Hawai'i with a private contractor as a Hawaiian Waterbird Biomonitor. My main role is to prevent protected Hawaiian seabirds and waterbirds from being disturbed or harmed by construction activities. Since the location is surrounded by amazing rare wetland and marine habitats, we get a lot of incredible seabirds visiting the project site.
I feel incredibly lucky to be back in Hawai'i doing what I love.
What advice would you offer to individuals aspiring to pursue a career as seabird scientists?
Take the chance! Don't let doubt and fear hold you back from trying something new. You never know what amazing things it could lead to. It is easy to become discouraged in this field but perseverance is important. With enough luck and determination you can absolutely achieve your dreams!

Kaylin Van Waus wearing a light blue sun protective shirt and tan hat at the James Campbell National Wildlife Refuge. Kaylin volunteered for a seabird conservation nonprofit based in Oahu. Volunteers weeded out invasive plants, did bird counts, checked nest boxes, and did fence repairs to help protect Laysan Albatross and other Hawaiian seabirds nesting in the refuge.