Cece Frisinger
Project Coordinator
Maui Nui Seabird Recovery Project
Behaviour, Conservation, Population Dynamics, Project Management, Reproductive Biology & Life History
Regional Focus
Hawaiian Islands, Pacific Northwest
Years Active
6-10 years
Species Focus
Auks (Alcidae), Petrels and Shearwaters (Procellariidae), Gannets and Boobies (Sulidae), Storm-Petrels (Hydrobatidae & Oceanitidae)
Tell us about your work with seabirds.
In my current role at the Maui Nui Seabird Recovery Project, I manage our data systems and assist with planning field operations. The Maui Nui Seabird Recovery Project's work is primarily focused on the long-term monitoring and conservation of Hawaiian seabirds and their nesting habitat. Additionally, in 2024, I completed my M.S. degree at Oregon State University, where I studied the foraging ecology and chick provisioning behavior of Marbled Murrelets across contrasting ocean conditions. I am still collaborating with researchers at Oregon State University on this work.
What advice would you offer to individuals aspiring to pursue a career as seabird scientists?
Cast a wide net when applying for jobs and be open-minded to what you may catch! My first field position involved sea turtles in North Carolina. I never imagined I'd build a career around working with seabirds in Hawai_i. Along the way, focus on gaining technical skills, such as data analysis and GIS, as these can set you apart as a prospective job applicant, especially for more permanent positions. Finally, connect with others, learn their stories, and seek out advice information is power.

Cece standing on a Maui beach, wearing a purple shirt and a turquoise hat, holding a juvenile _ua_u (Hawaiian Petrel) as she prepares to release it after it was grounded due to artificial light distraction.