Angela Hansen
Biologist & PhD candidate
University of Tasmania, BC Nature, Vancouver Avian Research Centre
Conservation, Project Management, Public/Community Engagement, Migration & Movement Ecology, Science Communication, Toxicology
Regional Focus
British Columbia, Canada
Years Active
6-10 years
Species Focus
Auks (Alcidae), Sea ducks and allies (Anatidae), Gulls and Terns (Laridae)
Tell us about your work with seabirds.
I coordinate survey work and write reports on Important Bird and Biodiversity Areas (IBAs) and Key Biodiversity Areas (KBAs) across British Columbia for BC Nature, working with local naturalists and First Nations to monitor red-listed seabird species and important seasonal aggregations of seaducks, seabirds, gulls, and shorebirds. With VARC I train new banding volunteers in the correct and safe handling of birds and banding techniques for long-term monitoring of individuals. And for my PhD I am studying pollution in Australian waterbirds. My spark bird was the Bonin Petrel which I lived amongst while working for a season with US Fish and Wildlife Service on Midway Atoll, along with albatrosses, shearwaters, shorebirds, and terns.
What advice would you offer to individuals aspiring to pursue a career as seabird scientists?
Attend conferences, local naturalist and community groups, and network with the people like. Be persistent, show-up, and it's okay to volunteer to get your foot in the door. Say yes to opportunities that come along, don't second guess your own abilities, but know and respect your limits. I did say no to a fisheries observer job because I get really seasick - no regrets there! Build a diverse repitoire of skills that can apply generally to any study species or animal group. Take time for family and personal relationships. I have two children, one with special needs, and I have ADHD, so its very important to make choices and work in a way that supports your own long-term health and relationships. Ask for extra help when you need it.

Angela Hansen in a grey sweater wearing binoculars in hand in front of a patch of shorebirds on the shoreline. Angela was conducting a bird survey on the coast of Tasmania.